Sunday, February 22, 2009

Memoir Lesson Online Monday 2/23

This will be collected/graded! Turn in at end of period--Ms. Crutchfield be out for district meetings today and tomorrow! Use your time wisely & please respect the computer lab.

Part I—What is a Memoir?

Read the article on memoirs and answer the questions:

1. What is the origin of the word memoir?
2. Write down the definition of memoir (the 2nd definition according to the site InkSpell).
3. How are memoirs focused?
4. How are memoirs similar to fiction?
5. Describe the relationship between truth and memoir.

Part II—Read two interesting memoir excerpts or previews and for each memoir answer the questions that can be found below the memoir list:

List of online memoirs from Google Books (search Google Book Search if the links are broken!):

Questions for each memoir (read at least 2):

1. Does the memoir hook you into the story? Why or why not?
2. Describe the voice and tone (attitude) of the narrator in the memoir.
3. How is the setting introduced in the memoir? Is it important to the story?
4. Are there any conflicts or complications revealed? Explain.
5. Is there any dialogue? What does it reveal?
6. What do you think the theme (overall meaning or message) might be in this writing?
7. Is this writing meaningful? Explain why or why not.
8. Does this sound true? Explain.
9. What elements did you find interesting about this memoir? Was there anything you could use for your own writing? Explain.

Part III—Write down a six word memoir (see link below for examples) and then try submitting it for possible publication:

Six word memoir submissions
Warning: Some inappropriate language on the website.

**Homework: Due on Thursday Block (Per. 3 only)
2 pages of your “school stories” written as non-fiction or fiction—typed and double spaced. Ready for Peer Edit Workshop.

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