Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Response to Movie Scripts 4/30

Response to FIVE Scripts

What’s the Point? To introduce you to the style and settings of different screenplays. You should choose scripts that interest you to use as models.

You will be analyzing the beginning pages of 5 different scripts and answering these following questions for each one. YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ THE WHOLE SCRIPT!!

1.Write down the title of the script.
2.What are the opening lines of the script (write down both the descriptive first scene of the first lines of dialogue)? Explain if they grab or do not grab your attention.
3. What is the setting (time and place)?
4. What is the mood (feeling of the script)?
5. Make a guess at what the theme (general message or meaning) might be.
6. What have you learned about the characters? Describe them the best you can.
7. What is the conflict?
Make sure you click on movie scripts at the bottom of the page!

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